Eight Aggregate Measures of Income and Output:
Canada vs United States

The following tables are available for Canada and the United States:
(Updated: June 17, 2019)
Click link below to download full set of tables in Adobe Acrobat PDF format:
Tables on Eight Aggregate Measures of Income and Output (0.2Mb)

All tables are available for download in Microsoft Excel format (WinZip archive, 0.5Mb).

List of Tables
Table 1A: Government and Business Investment and Investment Deflator, United States, 1969-2017
Table 1B: Government and Business Investment and Investment Deflator, Canada, 1981-2018
Table 2A: Consumption of Fixed Capital by Business and Government, United States, 1969-2018
Table 2B: Consumption of Fixed Capital by Business and Government, Canada, 1981-2018
Table 3A: Net Investment Income from Non-Residents, United States, 1969-2018
Table 3B: Net Investment Income from Non-Residents, Canada, 1981-2018
Table 4A: Export and Import Volumes and Price Indexes, United States, 1969-2018
Table 4B: Export and Import Volumes and Price Indexes, Canada, 1981-2018
Table 5A: Output and Income Measures, Billions of Current Dollars, United States, 1969-2018
Table 5B: Output and Income Measures, Billions of Current Dollars, Canada, 1981-2018
Table 6A: Output and Income Measures, Billions of Chained 2009 Dollars, United States, 1969-2018
Table 6B: Output and Income Measures, Billions of Chained 2007 Dollars, Canada, 1981-2018
Table 7: Comparison of Income and Output Measures for Canada and the US, Billions, 2018
Table 8A: Growth of Income and Output Measures for Canada and the US, Average Annual Growth Rate, per cent, 2000-2018
Table 8B: Growth of Income and Output Measures for Canada and the US, Average Annual Growth Rate, per cent, 1981-2018
Table 9A: Output and Income Per Capita Measures, Current Dollars, United States, 1969-2018
Table 9B: Output and Income Per Capita Measures, Current Dollars, Canada, 1981-2018
Table 10A: Output and Income Measures Per Capita, Chained 2009 Dollars, United States, 1969-2018
Table 10B: Output and Income Measures, Chained 2007 Dollars, Canada, 1981-2018
Table 11: Comparison of Income and Output Measures Per Capita for Canada and the US, 2018
Table 12A: Growth of Income and Output Measures Per Capita for Canada and the US, Average Annual Growth, Per Cent, 2000-2018
Table 12B: Growth of Income and Output Measures Per Capita for Canada and the US, Average Annual Growth, Per Cent, 1981-2018
Table 13: Purchasing Power Parity, Canada, 1961-2018
Table 14: Nominal Canadian Income and Output Measures Per Capita in Current US Dollars at PPP, 1981-2018
Table 15: Nominal Canadian Income and Output Measures Per Capita as a Proportion of United States Levels, Per Cent, 1981-2018
Table 16: Real Canadian Income and Output Measures Per Capita in 2007 US Dollars at PPP, 1981-2018
Table 17: Real Canadian Income and Output Measures Per Capita as a Proportion of United States Levels, Per Cent, 1981-2018

NOTE: These tables are based on data produced by Statistics Canada (Canadian data), the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (US data) and OECD National Accounts (purchasing power parity data) and reflect any deficiencies these data may have.

All tables and charts are in Adobe Acrobat format. You can download a free Adobe Acrobat reader from the Adobe site.

If you require assistance, call Andrew Sharpe at CSLS at (613) 233-8891, or send an email.
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