CSLS Conference on the Structural Aspects of Unemployment

CSLS Conference on the Structural Aspects of Unemployment,
Château Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario, April 22-23, 1999


Much of the increase in Canadian unemployment in the early 1990s has now been reversed, although the employment-population ratio remains well below previous peaks. Looking ahead, ongoing sustainable reductions in aggregate unemployment may depend on better structural performance of Canadian labour markets. And sustainable strong growth in the available workforce will depend on reductions in structural unemployment. Consequently, the importance of structural labour market policies as a means to lower unemployment and sustain economic growth will increase in the early years of the new millennium. 

The objective of this conference is to examine the structural aspects of unemployment in Canada. The conference will shed new light on the characteristics of the non-employed and the structural problems that make it difficult for them to find regular employment. The experience of countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands which have been able to lower unemployment below the previous cyclical peak with, for the most part, low and stable inflation may hold important lessons on how to successfully deal with the hard-to-employ and will form an important component of the conference. The preliminary conference program is enclosed.

NOTE: Most of these papers were published in a Special CPP Supplement on Structural Aspects of Unemployment in Canada . The remaining papers presented at this conference are available from the CSLS archives in pdf format. To arrange to have a paper emailed to you, please send the name of the article and the author to info@csls.ca.

Conference Program
April 22
Coffee and Muffins
9:00-9:15 Opening Remarks
Pierre Pettigrew (Minister of Human Resources Development)
Ian Stewart (Chair, Centre for the Study of Living Standards)
9:15-10:45 Session 1 The Context: Labour Market Developments in Canada in the 1990s
Chair: Jeremy Rudin (Finance Canada)

  • Garnett Picot(Statistics Canada) and Andrew Heisz (Statistics Canada) “Canadian Labour Market Performance in Historical Context”

  • Jim Stanford (CAW) “Canadian Labour Market Developments in International Context”

    Discussants:       Tim Sargent (Finance Canada)
                            Gilles Paquet (University of Ottawa)

  • 10:45-11:00 Break
    11:00-12:30 Session 2  The Characteristics of the Jobless and Unemployment Persistence in the Canadian Labour Market
    Chair: Cliff Halliwell (Health Canada)

  • Louis Grignon, Marcel Bédard and Jean-François Bertrand (HDRC) “New Perspective on Long-term Unemployment?”

  • Miles Corak (Statistics Canada) “Intergenerational Influences on the Receipt of Unemployment Insurance”

    Discussants: Seamus Hogan (Bank of Canada)
                        Dwayne Benjamin (University of Toronto)

  • 12:30-2:15 Luncheon Speaker:
    Craig Riddell (University of British Columbia)
    “Measuring Unemployment and Structural Unemployment"
    2:15-3:45 Session 3 The Labour Market Experience of New Entrants
    Chair: Bill Watson (McGill University and IRPP)

  • Thomas Lemieux (Université de Montreal and CIRANO), Paul Beaudry (UBC, CIRANO, and CIAR) and Daniel Parent (McGill University and CIRANO) “What is Happening in the Youth Labour Market in Canada?”

  • Morley Gunderson (University of Toronto), Andrew Sharpe (CSLS)  and Steven Wald Youth Unemployment in Canada, 1976-1998"

    Discussants: Gilles Grenier (University of Ottawa)
                        Graham Lowe (University of Alberta and Canadian Policy Research Networks)

  • 3:45-4:00 Break
    4:00-5:30 Session 4 Is Increased Skills Mismatch Contributing to Structural Unemployment in Canada?
    Chair: Jean-Pierre Voyer (HDRC)

  • Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University) and Zhengxi Lin (StatisticsCanada) “How Much of Canada’s Unemployment Is Structural?"

  • Richard Roy and Yves Gingras (HRDC) “Is There a Skill Gap in Canada?"

    Discussants: Alice Nakamura (University of Alberta)
                      Noah Meltz (University of Toronto)

  • 6:30-7:00 Reception, Cash Bar
    7:00 Dinner Speaker:
    Rebecca Blank (Member, U.S. Council of Economic Advisors) “Strong Employment, Low Inflation: How Has the U.S. Economy Done So Well?"
    April 23
    Session 5 Innovative Approaches to Re-integrating the Unemployed into the Workforce
    Chair: Jim Lahey (Associate Deputy Minister, HRDC)

  • Jean-Pierre Voyer (HDRC) “Using the Social Economy to Foster Employability - An Experiment”

  • John Greenwood (Social Research and Demonstration Corporation) “Earnings Supplementation as a Means to Re-integrate the Unemployed"

  • Sherri Torjman (Caledon Institute of Social Policy) “Reintegrating the Unemployed Through Customized Training"

    Discussants: Gordon Betcherman (World Bank)
                      Charles Beach (Queen’s University)

  • 10:30-11:00 Break
    11:00-1:00 Session 6 International Labour Market Experience: Lessons for Canada
    Chair: Don Drummond (Associate Deputy Minister, Finance Canada)

  • Richard Freeman (Harvard University and NBER) “Is the U.S. Labor Market the Model for Advanced Countries?"

  • Steve Nickell (London School of Economics) and Jan van Ours (University of Tilburg) “The Netherlands and the United Kingdom: A European Unemployment Miracle?"

    Discussants:  Peter Kuhn (McMaster University)
                       David Card (University of California at Berkeley)

  • 1:15-2:45 Luncheon Speaker:
    Edmund Phelps (Columbia University)  “Wages Subsidies and Structural Unemployment”
    2:45-4:30 Closing Panel Policies to Reduce Structural Unemployment in Canada
    Chair: Avrim Lazar, ADM, Strategic Policy (HDRC)

    Panelists:     Ian Stewart (former Deputy Minister of Finance)
                      Arthur Kroeger (former Deputy Minister of Employment and Immigration Canada) Speech to the Conference on Structural Unemployment
                      Pierre Fortin (UQAM)
                      Gordon Betcherman (World Bank)

    NOTE: Most of the above papers were published in a Special CPP Supplement on Structural Aspects of Unemployment in Canada . The remaining papers presented at this conference are available from the CSLS archives in pdf format. To arrange to have a paper emailed to you, please send the name of the article and the author to info@csls.ca.

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