CSLS Sessions at the Annual Meeting of the CEA

Sessions Organized by
the Centre for the Study of Living Standards
at the Annual Meeting of
the Canadian Economics Association,

Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario,
May 30-June 1, 2003

For the complete preliminary program and details on the conference, including registration information, please visit www.economics.ca

Friday, May 30 10:30-12:00

Session 1 Understanding and Improving Labour Market Statistics I

Chair: Ian Stewart (Centre for the Study of living Standards)


Garnett Picot (Statistics Canada)
Doug Smith (Carleton University)

Friday, May 30 14:00-15:30

Session 2 Understanding and Improving Labour Market Statistics II

Chair: David Slater (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)


Deborah Sunter (Statistics Canada)
Craig Riddell (University of British Columbia)

Friday, May 30 16:00-17:30

Session 3 Industry Productivity Trends in Canada

Chair: Dale Orr (Global Insight)


Paul Davenport (University of Western Ontario)
Lawrence Schembri (Bank of Canada)
Andrew Baldwin (Statistics Canada)

Saturday, May 31, 10:30-12:00 (co-organized with the Progressive Economics Forum)

Session 4 What Ever Happened to the Canada-US Unemployment Rate Gap?

Chair: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)


Saturday, May 31 14:00-15:30

Session 5 Indexes of Economic and Social Well-being

Chair: Ernie Stokes (Centre for Spatial Economics)


Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia)
Michael McCracken (Informetrica)

Sunday, June 1, 10:30-12:00

Session 6 Perspectives on Future Productivity Growth in Canada

Chair: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)

Serge Coulombe (University of Ottawa)
Tiff Macklem (Bank of Canada)
Benoit Robidoux (Finance Canada)
Tom Wilson (University of Toronto)

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