Economic Performance and Social Progress in Canada in the 1990s

Economic Performance and Social Progress in Canada in the 1990s: First Issue of the IRPP-CSLS Annual Review of Economic Performance and Social Progress,
Invitational Authors' Workshop, December 8-9, 2000
Lady Elgin Room, Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario


December 8
9:00-9:15 AM
Opening Remarks
Hugh Segal (Institute for Research on Public Policy)
France St-Hilaire (Institute for Research on Public Policy) 
Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)
Keith Banting (Queen's University)
9:15-12:00 AM Session 1 Definitions,  Perceptions, and Trends in Social Progress

Chair: Ian Stewart (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)

Papers: Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University) "The Definition and Meaning of Social Progress"
Discussant: Bill Watson (McGill University and IRPP)

Paper:  Frank Graves (Ekos) "The Role of Economic Performance on the Perception of Economic and Social Well-being and Attitudes toward Redistribution in Canada"
Discussant: to be announced

Paper:  Garnett Picot (Statistics Canada) "The Impact of Economic Growth on Poverty and Inequality in Canada in the 1990s"
Discussant: Andrew Jackson (CCSD)

12:00-1:00 PM Lunch
1:00-3:00 PM Session 2 The Impact of Price Stability on  Economic Performance and Social Progress

Chair: David Slater (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)

Paper:  Pierre Fortin (UQAM) "Has Price Stability Increased The Well Being of Canadians? 
Discussant:  Chris Ragan (McGill University)

Paper:  Brian O'Reilly (Bank of Canada) "Price Stability and Economic Well-being in Canada in the 1990s"
Discussant: Brian MacLean (Laurentian University)

3:00-3:15 PM Break
3:15-5:15 PM Session 3 The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economic Performance and Social Progress

Chair: Paul-Henri Lapointe (Finance Canada)

Paper: Jim Stanford (CAW) "Fiscal Policy and Social Progress" 
Discussant: Jeremy Rudin (Finance Canada)

Paper: Don Drummond (TD Bank) "The Impact of Deficit Elimination on Economic Performance and Social Progress" 
Discussant: Michael Mendelson (Caledon Institute)

5:15-6:00 PM Break
6:30-7:00 PM Reception, Cash Bar
7:00 PM Dinner (to be decided if speaker)
December 9
9:00-12:00 PM
Session 4 The Impact of Social Policy and Trade Policy on Social Progress

Chair: Andrei Sulzenko* (Industry Canada)

Paper: Ken Battle (Caledon Institute for Social Policy) "Have Changes in Income Security Programs Reduced Social Progress in the 1990s? 
Discussant: Susan Phillips (Carleton University)

Paper: Daniel Schwanen (IRPP) "The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Social Progress in Canada"
Discussant: Michael Hart (Carleton University)

12:00-1:00 PM Lunch
1:00-4:00 PM Session 5 Trends in Social Mobility, Social Cohesion and Environmental Quality

Chair: Jim Lahey* (HDRC)

Paper:  Miles Corak (Statistics Canada) "Are the Kid Alright? Social Mobility and Child Well-being in the 1990s"
Discussant: Pierre Lefebvre (UQAM)

Paper: Jane Jenson (Universite de Montreal and CPRN) "Social Cohesion and Economic Performance in Canada" 
Discussant: to be announced

Paper: Quentin Grafton and Kathleen Day (University of Ottawa) "Has Economic Growth Led to an Improvement or Deterioration in Environmental Quality?"
Discussant: Robert Smith (Statistics Canada)

4:00-4:15 PM Closing Remarks: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)

NOTE:  The following contributors to the volume are unable to participate in the authors' workshop. Their papers may be distributed at the workshop.

Richard Freeman (Harvard University and NBER) "Have Economic Growth and Social Progress Become Decoupled in OECD Countries in the 1990s?"
John Helliwell (UBC) "Social Capital, the Economy and Well-being"

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