How to Measure Quality of Life in Diverse Populations

How to Measure Quality of Life in Diverse Populations
Wyndham Washington DC Hotel, Wednesday, November 28th to Sunday, December 2nd, 2001
Sessions Organized by CSLS

Friday, November 30th
10:35 am-12:00 pm
Session 18C Developing Indexes of Economic Well-being

Chair: Peggy Schyns (Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands)


  • Michael Burns (University of South Australia, Australia) and Pauline Halchuk (Dalhousie University, Canada) “Determining the Weights in Measures of Economic Well-being”
  • Lars Osberg ((Dalhousie University, Canada)) and Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards, Canada) “An Index of Labor Market Well-being”
  • Mariano Rojas (Universidad de las Americas-Puebla, Mexico) “So You Are (Un)happy, Now What Do You Mean? An Explanation of the Weak Relationship between Income and Happiness”
  • Friday, November 30th
    1:30-3:00 pm
    Session 23C The Evaluation and Measurement of Economic Well-being

    Chair: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards, Canada)


  • David S. Johnson (Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA) “Using Expenditures to Measure the Standards of Living in the United States: Does it Make a Difference”
  • Jamal Al-Khatib (James Madison University, USA), Angela D'Auria Stanton (James Madison University, USA) and C.B. Claiborne (James Madison University, USA) “The Impact of Television Viewership on Consumers' Materialism and Quality of Life Perceptions: An Examination in the Islamic Culture”
  • Conference registration and additional information:
    There are many options for conference registration. The easiest is to register on-line (go to ISQOLS' homepage - - and click on Conferences and Workshops).
    You can download the registration form (from the conference web page) and fax it in (if you are paying by credit card) or mail it in if you are paying by personal check, institutional check, or money order.
    You can wire payment to ISQOLS' checking account - 0002173773 - Wachovia Bank in Blacksburg, Virginia 24060, USA.
    If you are doing the latter you still need to print the registration form and mail (or fax) it in.

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