CSLS Conference on the Canada-U.S. Manufacturing Productivity Gap

CSLS Conference on the Canada-U.S. Manufacturing Productivity Gap,
Adam Room, Château Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario, January 21-22, 2000


    Despite the extensive structural reforms the Canadian economy has undergone in the 1990s, there has been no narrowing of the gap in labour productivity levels in manufacturing between Canada and the United States. Indeed, just the opposite has occurred, with the gap increasing since official data show that output per hour growth in manufacturing has advanced at a faster pace in the United States than in Canada. This trend has obviously important implications for Canadian competitiveness and the Canada's relative standard of living.

    To address the issue of slower manufacturing labour productivity growth and lower labour productivity levels in Canada relative to the United States, the Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS) has organized a major international conference to be held in Ottawa January 21-22, 2000. All persons interested in this key economic issue are invited to attend.

    Fifteen papers by well-known Canadian, American and European productivity experts will be presented, with discussion of the papers by leading economists. Topics covered include the size of the productivity gap, the competitiveness of the Canadian manufacturing sector, measurement problems in the manufacturing sector, the contribution of trade specialization patterns to the gap, small business and the productivity gap, the contribution of an innovation gap to the productivity gap, and case studies of Canada-U.S. productivity trends in the auto assembly and chemicals industries. Panels featuring senior business leaders and economic policy makers have been organized on the perspectives of manufacturers on Canada's relative productivity performance and on policy levers to improve manufacturing performance. Finally, there will be three distinguished luncheon and dinner speakers, including Dale Jorgenson of Harvard University.

    The conference is being coordinated by Andrew Sharpe, CSLS Executive Director; Rick Harris, Professor of Economics at Simon Fraser University; and Jeffrey Bernstein, Professor of Economics at Carleton University. A Research Advisory Committee composed of representatives from government and non-governmental organizations has provided advice in the organization of the conference.

    The Centre for the Study of Living Standards would like to thank Industry Canada, the Canadian Donner Foundation, the Ontario Ministry of Finance and the Business Council on National Issues for the financial support that made this conference possible.

    The CSLS Conference on the Canada-U.S. Manufacturing Productivity Gap will take place at the Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa, Ontario on Friday, January 21 and Saturday, January 22, 2000.

    A block of rooms has been reserved at the Chateau Laurier hotel at the conference rate of $169 plus tax. To reserve, call 613-241-1414 or 1-800-441-1414 and mention the CSLS and the name of the conference.
Rooms at a lower rate are available at the Lord Elgin Hotel (613-235-333 or 1-800-267-4298) and Town House Motor Hotel (1-888-789-4949), both within walking distance of the conference hotel.


Friday, January 21
8:00-9:00 AM
Coffee and Muffins
9:00-9:30 AM Opening Session
Ian Stewart (Chair, Centre for the Study of Living Standards)
Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards) “The Stylized Facts of the Canada-U.S. Manufacturing Productivity Gap”  (129 Kb)
9:30-11:00 AM Session 1 Perspectives on Manufacturing Productivity in Canada and the United States

Chair: Hugh Segal (Institute for Research on Public Policy)


  • Lucy Eldridge (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and Mark Sherwood (Bureau of Labor Statistics) “Investigating the Canada-U.S. Productivity Gap: BLS Methods and Data”  (153 Kb)
  • Wulong Gu (Industry Canada) and Mun Ho (Harvard University) “A Comparison of Productivity Growth in Manufacturing between Canada and the United States, 1961-95”  (146 Kb)

    Jeremy Rudin  (Finance Canada)

  • 11:00-11:15 AM Break
    11:15-12:45 AM Session 2 How Large is the Canada-U.S. Manufacturing Productivity Gap?

    Chair: David Slater (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)


  • Frank Lee (Industry Canada) and Jianmian Tang (Industry Canada) “An Assessment of Competitiveness and Productivity Levels- Canadian and U.S. Manufacturing Industries”  (114 Kb)
  • Bart van Ark (University of Groningen), Robert Inklaar (University of Groningen) and Marcel Timmer (University of Groningen) “The Canada-US Manufacturing Productivity Gap Revisited: New ICOP Results”  (122 Kb)

    Barbara Fraumeni (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
    Alan Heston  (University of Pennsylvania)

  • 12:45-2:45 PM Lunch Chair: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)
    Luncheon Speaker: Roger Phillips (President and CEO, Ipsco Inc.) “Canada-U.S. Productivity Differences in Manufacturing”  (60 Kb)
    2:45-4:15 PM Session 3 Historical and Innovation Perspectives on the Canada-U.S. Manufacturing Productivity Gap

    Chair: Giles Gherson (Southam News)


  • Jeffrey Bernstein (Carleton University) and Theofanis Mamuneas (University of Cyprus) “The Contribution of US R&D Spending to Manufacturing Productivity Growth in Canada”  (106 Kb)
  • Ian Keay (McGill University) “Canadian Manufactirers' Relative Productivity Performance, 1907-90”

    Doug May  (Memorial University)
    Tom Wilson (University of Toronto)

  • 4:15-4:30 PM Break
    4:30-6:00 PM Session 4 Industry Productivity Studies in the Manufacturing Sector

    Chair: Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University)


  • Jim Stanford (CAW) “A Success Story: Canadian Productivity Performance in Auto Assembly”  (69 Kb)
  • Someshwar Rao (Industry Canada), Frank Lee (Industry Canada) and Ron Hirshorn (economic consultant) “A Canada-U.S. Comparison of Productivity in the Chemical Industry”  (129 Kb)

    Mel Fuss (University of Toronto)
    David Shearing (Canadian Chemicals Producers Association) SPEAKING NOTES  (7Kb)

  • 6:00-7:00 Reception, Cash Bar
    7:00 Dinner Speaker: Jack Triplett (Brookings Institution) “Productivity in the Services Sector”
    January 22
    8:30-10:00 AM
    Session 5 Can Measurement Problems Account for the Gap?

    Chair: Patrick Luciani (Canadian Donner Foundation)


  • Tom Rymes (Carleton University) “On Productivity in Manufacturing”  (70 Kb)
  • Serge Coulombe (University of Ottawa) “Three Suggestions to Improve Multifactor Productivity Measurement in Canadian Manufacturing”  (106 Kb)

    Erwin Diewert  (UBC)
    Robert J.Gordon (Northwestern University)

  • 10:00-10:15 AM Break
    10:15-12:00 PM Session 6 Do Trade Specialization Patterns Contribute to the Gap?

    Chair: Alice Nakamura (University of Alberta)


  • Rick Harris and Samer Kherfi (Simon Fraser University) “Productivity Growth and Trade Specialization”  (108 Kb)
  • Ed Wolff (New York University) “Has Canada Specialized in the Wrong Manufacturing Industries?”  (139 Kb)

    Lawrence Schembri  (Bank of Canada and Carleton University)
    Daniel Schwanen (C.D. Howe Institute)

  • 12:00-1:45 PM Luncheon Speaker:

    Chair: Serge Nadeau (Industry Canada)
    Roger Martin (University of Toronto) “Canadian Competitiveness: Nine Years after the Crossroads”  (230 Kb)

    1:45-2:30 PM Session 7 How Internationally Competitive is the Canadian Manufacturing Sector?

    Chair: David Slade (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency)


  • Don Daly (York University), Michael Helfinger and Gordon Sharwood (Sharwood & Company) “Small Business in Canada - U.S. Manufacturing Productivity and Cost Comparisons”  (66 Kb)

    Gilles Paquet (University of Ottawa)
    Bill Watson  (McGill University and IRPP)

  • 2:30-2:45 PM Break
    2:45-4:30 PM Session 8 Panel on Policy Levers to Improve Manufacturing Productivity Performance

    Chair: Bryne Purchase (Ontario Ministry of Finance)

    Andrei Sulzenko  (Industry Canada)
    Don Drummond  (Finance Canada)
    Sam Boutziovis  (Business Council on National Issues)
    Brian Clements  (Steelcase Canada Limited)
    Andrew Jackson (Canadian Labour Congress)
    Jayson Myers (Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters)

    4:30-4:55 PM Closing Session

    Pierre Fortin (UQAM)

    4:55-5:00 PM Closing Remarks

    Ian Stewart(Centre for the Study of Living Standards)

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