Invitational Preconference for the IRPP-CSLS Project on Economic Growth and Inequality

Invitational Preconference for the IRPP-CSLS Project on Economic Growth and Inequality,
Renaissance Hotel du Parc, Montreal, Quebec, November 3-4, 2000


Friday, November 3
12:00-1:00 PM
Buffet Lunch
1:00-1:15 PM Opening Remarks
Hugh Segal (Institute for Research on Public Policy)
France St-Hilaire (Institute for Research on Public Policy)
Pierre Fortin (UQAM)
Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)
1:15-3:15 PM Session 1 Trends in Economic Growth and Inequality

Chair: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)


  • Garnet Picot (Statistics Canada), Rene Morisette (Statistics Canada) and John Myles (Statistics Canada) "Low Income Intensity in Canada, 1980-98: The Role of Employment, Earnings and Transfers"
  • WJack Mintz (C.D. Howe Institute and University of Toronto) and Shay Aba (C.D. Howe Institute) "Economic Growth and Income Inequality in Canada"
3:15-3:30 PM Break
3:30-5:30 PM Session 2 Public Policy, Inequality and Economic Growth

Chair: Pierre Fortin (UQAM)


  • Morris Altman (University of Saskatchewan) "Economic Growth and Income Inequality: Implications of a Behavioral Model of Economic Growth for Public Policy"
  • Mireille Laroche (Finance Canada) and Todd Mattina (Queen's University) "Can Fiscal Policy Lessen Earnings Inequality?"
6:30-7:00 PM Reception
7:00 PM Dinner
November 4
8:00-9:00 AM
Buffet Lunch
9:00-12:00 PM Session 3 Topics in Inequality and Economic Growth I

France St-Hilaire (Institute for Research on Public Policy)


  • Rafael Gomez (London School of Economics) and Noah Meltz (University of Toronto and Netanya Academic College) "The Zero Sum Illusion: Industrial Relations and Modern Economic Approaches to Growth and Income Distribution"
  • Huw Lloyd-Ellis (University of Toronto) "The Impact of Inequality on Productivity Growth: A Primer"
  • Charles Beach (Queen's University), Ross Finnie (Queen's University and Statistics Canada) and David Gray (University of Ottawa) "Earnings Instability of Women and Men in Canada: 1982-1997"
12:00-1:30 PM Lunch
1:30- 3:30 PM Session 4 Topics in Inequality and Economic Growth II

Chair: David Slater (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)


  • Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University) "Inequality in Time and Money: The International Evidence"
  • David Foot (University of Toronto) and  Rafael Gomez (London School of Economics) "Age Structure, Income Distribution and Economic Growth"
3:30-3:35 PM Closing Remarks
3:35-5:00 PM Second Meeting of the Research Advisory Committee on the IRPP-CSLS Project on Economic Growth and Inequality

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