Dr. David Lewis
Senior Research Associate
Trained at the London School of Economics, David Lewis has served as an economist in the private sector; the Canadian federal government (Office of the Auditor General); the U.S. Congress (Congressional Budget Office); and local government in the United Kingdom (Greater London Council). He founded the consulting firm of HLB Decision Economics, acquired in 1995 by HDR, a global engineering, architectural and consulting firm. Prior to his retirement, he served as Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of HDR. Dr. Lewis is internationally recognized for his research and applied work in Cost-Benefit Analysis; social policy -- principally in relation to people with disabilities; and public infrastructure economics and finance. His research has been published in a number of refereed journals, including the Journal of Public Economics, and he is co-author (with Fred L. Williams) of the book Policy and Planning as Public Choice: Mass Transit in the United States, Ashgate, 1999. David Lewis lives with his wife in Ottawa.