International Productivity Monitor, Number 20

International Productivity Monitor
Number 20, Fall 2010


Editor’s Overview 
Marcello Estevão and Evridiki Tsounta
Canada's Potential Productivity and Output Growth: A Post-Crisis Assessment 
Jianmin Tang, Someshwar Rao and Min Li
Sensitivity of Capital Stock and Multifactor Productivity Estimates to Depreciation Assumptions: A Canada-U.S. Comparison 
Andrew Sharpe and Eric Thomson
Insights into Canada's Abysmal Post-2000 Productivity Performance from Decompositions of Labour Productivity Growth by Industry and Province 
Mika Maliranta, Petri Rouvinen and Pekka Ylä-Anttila
Finland's Path to the Global Productivity Frontier through Creative Destruction 
Abhay Gupta
Indian Manufacturing Productivity: What Caused the Growth Stagnation before the 1990s? 

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