Income and Productivity Data

  • Canadian Natural Resources Industries Productivity Database - based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 1990-2013. (Updated: December 1, 2016)

  • Labour, Capital and Total Factor Productivity by Industry for Canada and the 10 Provinces - based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 1997-2010. (Updated: March 1st, 2012)

    NOTE 1: The 2010 update of the CSLS Provincial Productivity Database also had productivity estimates at the three-digit NAICS level. These estimates are no longer available for the 2012 update of the database, but can be accessed here.

    NOTE 2: An earlier CSLS database covering Canada and the provinces for the 1987-2006 period for a much larger set of industries has been discontinued. An expansion of the new database, which is based on a methodology consistent with that used for official estimates, is currently planned. The earlier CSLS database, however, can be useful for individuals who wish to study a longer period or those who need more detailed industry data at the provincial level.

  • Database of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Investment and Capital Stock Trends: Canada vs United States (Updated: September, 2016)

    NOTE: An earlier version of the Database of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Investment and Capital Stock Trends: Canada vs United States can be accessed here.

  • Aggregate Income and Productivity Trends: Canada vs United States, 1961-2019. (Updated: June 15, 2021)

  • Eight Aggregate Measures of Income and Output: Canada vs United States, 1969-2018. (Updated: June 17, 2019)

  • The CSLS created a comprehensive set of tables with community level indicators for the Vital Signs project coordinated by Community Foundations of Canada. The most recent set of tables can be found on the Vital Signs website (Updated: August, 2011)

  • The CSLS Happiness Database: Life Satisfaction in Canada by Province, CMA, and Health Region, 2003, 2005, and 2007-2010 (Created: August, 2014)

  • Aboriginal Labour Market Database (Updated: August 1, 2014)

  • Atlantic Canada in a National and International Perspective  (1.4Mb) can be downloaded here. These tables and charts are based on work by CSLS for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. They contain data on which Andrew Sharpe’s presentations in St. John’s, NF and Charlottetown, PEI in October, 2003 were based. (Updated: October 18, 2006)
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    Last Update: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 |